What's up Sociabulls!?
Hope you were able to catch the amazing show last night at Jannus Live. Passafire was the main featured band in the Reggae Sunday series at Jannus, but the best part is, that is was free! Having Passafire stop by Jannus for a show was a pleasant surprise because St. Petersburg was not a listing on the Start from Scratch Tour. So when word gets around about Passafire having a free show at Jannus, St. Pete finds its ways to pack the place!
The vibe and energy was intense and full of reggae aficionados. The crowd comprised of passionate Passafire fans, roots reggae rock fans and people just enjoying a free show with good music. Fans singing along, a piƱata being thrown around and some glowing hula hooper's hooping in the back.
Fans got a good share of Passafire songs from previous albums, but also got to experience a lot of new songs from their recent one, Start from Scratch. One of the performances that stuck out the most was a full acoustic performance of "Dimming Sky" with a very nice addition of a ukulele. Another really neat part of the concert was the reggae cover version of Miike Snow's indie hit, "Animal." The cover was insanely catchy and had the entire crowd into it.
At the end of the concert, when Passafire left the stage, the crowd was not ready to let the night end. A encore is what the crowd demanded and voiced very loudly. Passafire ended up coming out to play one more song and thank St. Pete and Jannus Live for the night. Call this a true encore and not something planned. Be sure to check out all of the pictures on the facebook and we better see you at the next Reggae Sunday!
For more pictures: Click Here
Article and Photos Provided by Danny McDonald