Monday, January 2, 2012


Downtown St. Petersburg has always provided you with some of the best spots to go out and get your drinks. As we all know one of the main side effects from the late night drinking is the craving for the fourth meal. Lets prepare ourselves for 2012 go down the chart on the best spots to eat late at night.
These amazing spots are there for you to go out and enjoy when you're Downtown and need to get your munch on.

Burrito Boarder
Some of the best tasting food in the state of Florida with a unique atmosphere and fresh ingredients. Anything on the menu tastes great and you wont find similar flavors anywhere else. The employees are very relaxed and will be happy to serve the late night fourth meals. Enjoy your burrito with a fresh tea and some great tunes for a very unique experience most downtown spots can not offer. Eat inside or out and enjoy your amazing Mexican food with flavors that are sure to enhance after a couple cold ones. Don't forget that if you have a college I.D. you can get a discount! Oh, almost forgot, they also serve beer!
17 3rd Street North Downtown Saint Petersburg
Become a fan: CLICK HERE

Fortunato'sSome of the best tasting food late at night is a great slice of pizza. Luckily, at Fortunato's there are several options for you to get the perfect slice you need. Thursday nights and First Friday's are when you will see the most amount of people lining up to try to get a slice. Waiting to grab your own slice does not take long at all though. The atmosphere of people hanging out with the happy drunchies (drunken munchies) will find a creative way to entertain themselves. By the time you get your slice and get that first bite, you will truly know that you made the right choice. 
259 Central Ave Downtown Saint Petersburg

Angie'sThe one spot out of these three with the widest variety of food to pick from has to be a little place called Angie's. Late at night, Angie's closes the inside seating and becomes a window shop right next to Jannus Live. Here you can get freshly made french fries, burgers and chicken fingers quickly. Angie's is fun to get any time you are craving that fourth meal or attending an event at Jannus Live. The food is great and they service is entertaining, one of the best fourth meal options here in St. Petersburg, so be sure to try it at least once. 
200 1st Ave N Downtown Saint Petersburg
 Become a fan: CLICK HERE

Eat on SociaBULLS!

Article and Pictures by Danny McDonald

1 comment:

  1. Nice! I love the "Eat out Responsibly" disclaimer. I could probably hear that more.

    On the same block as those 3 spots are also:
    -5 Bucks' kitchen - open pretty late
    -Central Oyster Bar (Kitchen is open til' 3am on Thurs-Sat!)
    -Joey Brooklyn's Pizza (next to Angies) - til' 3 usually
    -Vue Sushi (half off sushi after 10/11 on weekday/weekends - sushi ends around 1-2)
