Monday, July 18, 2011


Saturday July 30th is National Water Gun Fight Day... So come out and get SociaBULLASTED with water!

Meet at the Fountain on USFSP campus at 4pm.

Here is how it will work:

Create a team from where you work or from your classes or just any of your friends!
Teams of about 5 people - wear matching outfits and come up with a team name (the teams, outfits, and the name aren't necessary but it makes it more fun!)

Once all the teams are there, we will establish the boundaries and announce the team names, take a few pictures and then it will be a FREE FOR ALL WATER FIGHT until everyone runs out of ammo...aka water!

Each team should bring a few coolers to fill with water ( so you can reload )

Water balloons and squirt guns of all shapes and sizes are all HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!

There is no cost for this....ITS FREE... so spread the word and share it with your friends!

Dont get hurt, dont sue us, this event is not supported nor does it have anything to do with USFSP so don't try to sue them either if you get hurt. 

CLICK HERE to see the event page... and don't forget to spread the word! 

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